Dal testo
“English in Aeronautics”
Revision of the following topics:
-The world of flight
-The principles of flight
-The part of the airplane
Section III
- Unit 9
The propulsion system: general considerations
Extension: From piston engines to turbine engines
The propulsion system: reciprocating engines
Extension: The propeller: a twisted wing
Unit 10
The propulsion system: gas-turbine engines
Extension: the technocrat
-Unit 11
Aircraft instruments: flight and
system instrument -
instruments concerned with flight information
- instruments
concerned with system information
Extension: The airspeed indicator and the pilot tube
Extension: Avionics
Section IV: The materials
-Unit 1
Structural materials
Extension: Never a year so bad
Structural materials: metals and alloys
Extension: Aluminium and its alloys
Structural materials: composites
Extension: Development of composite materials
Section V: Navigation
-International air laws
-Visual flight navigation
-The radar
-Glass cockpit and flight simulator
-The traffic control tower
-Pronunciation and phraseology
-Annex 18 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation
The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
-Manual Concerning Safety Measures Relating to Military
Activities Potentially Hazardous to Civil Aircraft Operations
-Professional and Technical Policy Manual of IFATCA
RT Phraseology in Civil/Military Integration
Regulation in Air Traffic Management
Civiltà: Alcuni
brani dal manuale “Surfing the world”, Dandini, Zanichelli |